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Curriculum design is the heart-center of any educational endeavor.

It is the clear pathway and the purposeful process to realizing and communicating core values. Curriculum design is the planned path to the RESULTS + positive impact your students are looking for.

It defines the steps for your students and walks them progressively through to purposeful action.

How does it benefit you as a business owner?

Curriculum design benefits YOU, the business owner by clarifying your goals + creating a map for your content creation. Having a clear curriculum design eliminates decision fatigue in content creation.

It helps eliminate shiny object syndrome by defining boundaries of your course, training, program or certificate program. It makes sure you don’t stray from the heart of your course, training, or curriculum promise.

How does a clear curriculum design benefit your business?

Once you have completed your curriculum, it acts as the foundation for earning continuing education provider status with professional organizations, for certification programs and articulation with other educational programs.

It also becomes the basis for your marketing messaging, allowing you to build out related written and visual content that accurately communicates the results of your program to potential clients,

How does it benefit the learner?

A clear rock-solid curriculum articulates to your students, clients and learners what they will KNOW, think or be able to DO as a result of having taken your course or program.

It tells students and clients what to expect.

A stellar curriculum identifies the organization of your course or program as well as its’ learning objectives, what types of materials are needed, receivables/deliverables, and an estimate of the time investment needed for success. It gives you answers to the questions your students did not even know they had.

Having your curriculum well-designed clarifies who your course or program students are. It will help potential students decide if this course, training, certificate, program is right for them.

Think of your curriculum as your educational promise, as well as your plan for how to deliver on that promise.

Your curriculum is your education promise + plan for how to deliver on that promise.

A stellar curriculum will make you, the business owner and your clients more successful.

And when your clients GET RESULTS, it is confirmation that YOU are serving your client’s needs more effectively and efficiently. Now YOUR BIZ GROWS, because those clients who get results turn into your tribe of raving fans, and they generate referrals and audience growth.

And that my friend, is where the CELEBRATION DANCE comes in!

So, how do you get started?

Well, at the beginning it can ALL seem so overwhelming!

But you know if you could just take ALL of that KNOWLEDGE in your BRAIN, ALL of that BRILLIANCE that comes to life when you are teaching, mentoring and facilitating in a room full of your peeps AND JUST GET IT DOWN ONTO THE [VIRTUAL] PAPER,  you could move forward and ACTUALLY CREATE your COURSE, your teacher training or your certificate PROGRAM.

….But you get stuck with all of the ideas and ways you could, or think you should, put it together. You might start off creating content in one direction and then end up working on something else.

Or you might realize, once you get going that ALL OF THAT IN-YOUR-BRAIN-KNOWLEDGE is much too big for this ONE little curriculum– In fact you might realize that you have a course sequence, a program, or a certificate pathway….and then you wonder how to put that all together, or where to start [again].